A Union with a real democratic voice // UFCW 3000 has a strong member elected boards made up of the workers in the industries we represent. We also have member bargaining committees at every negotiation—workers are the ones who decide to recommend and ratify a contract.
A Union that fights for strong pensions and health plans // UFCW 3000 has bargained with massive national employers to fight for and protect our members’ health plans and retirement. In fact since 2014 we have actually bargained more members onto our defined benefit pension-- not less!
A Unions who bargains to protect jobs // UFCW 3000 understands that protecting our members’ jobs is a top priority. While our members have faced threats of outsourcing or downsizing we have bargained strong job protections and successorship language in hundreds of union contracts-- protecting the jobs of tens of thousands of our current members.
Every worker deserves a voice on the job and you do too.