UFCW 3000

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Dynacare Labcorp - “Frankly, Hazard Pay is Trendy”

On Monday, we continued our discussion on Pandemic safety, scheduling, and staffing. We are happy to announce that we have reached an agreement on our Staffing committee proposal, which includes stronger language that compels the employer to seriously consider the committees proposal and the ability to grieve Management’s response.

We saw some movement from Management on our scheduling and Pandemic safety proposal, but we need to keep up the pressure to secure the language we need. We plan to shift our focus onto wages in the next sessions and would love your input as we move forward.

“According to Management even though it’s an inherently hazardous job, during the pandemic we are not entitled to hazard pay because we signed up to work in healthcare. ‘Frankly, hazard pay is trendy’ was the response we got on our pandemic safety proposal. We believe this a disrespectful and inappropriate response from Management as it doesn’t take into account the additional hazard of working during a global pandemic.”

— Fredel Albritton

OUR BARGAINING TEAM: Fredel Albritton, Steph Royce, Eli Lanczos, Sam McVay, Nancy Pyanowski, Shelby Tyner, and Tambra Graham.

3 things you can do this week to Help Win a Fair Contract:

  • James Tower Visit on 11/18: Come talk with your Bargaining Team and Union staff in-person to discuss the contract, share your ideas and bring up any issues you have! We’ll be in the 2nd floor break room from 1 - 4 PM

  • Sign the petition with our list of demands!

  • Join the Online CAT meeting Wednesday, 11/18 @ 6:30 - 8 PM. Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

Next Bargaining Dates: 11/23, 12/11