UFCW 3000

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Dynacare Labcorp - Standing Together to Win!

Dear LabCorp Members,

We are committed to working together to settle a fair contract for all of our members. We have your backs at the bargaining table but to win, we need to show LabCorp you to have our backs in the field!

We are taking action to show Management we are United to win a fair contract and protect ourselves and our community during this global pandemic.

We have created a list of four central demands and are asking all LabCorp members to sign on! UFCW 21 has also provided medical grade masks and Face-Shields for our members.

Here is the link:

Also don’t forget to pick-up your union provided PPE from the Bargaining Team in James Tower and send us photos with it on!

We have been digging into our staffing and scheduling proposals the last few sessions and we know that fair competitive wages and affordable healthcare are a huge part of retaining and recruiting staff. Our goal is to present this petition to Management at the table in early November to show we are serious and standing united. Join us!

In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Team: Sam McVay, Steph Royce, Eli Lanczos, Tambra Graham, Fredel Albritton, Nancy Pyanowski and Shelby Tyner

Questions? Call your Union Rep, Ates Serifsoy @ 206-436-6569.