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A message from UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther and other UFCW 21 leaders on the killing of George Floyd, our nation’s history of racism, and our union’s commitment to solidarity over white supremacy

A message from UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther and other UFCW 21 leaders on the killing of George Floyd, our nation’s history of racism, and our union’s commitment to solidarity over white supremacy  

“Please, I can’t breathe.” George Floyd, seconds before his murder  

“As the tears run down my face, as I watched this man die, I ask myself, when will this end?” Eleanor Knight, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President and Shop Steward  

 “Such a shame. Hundreds of years of dehumanizing black people. I have not been this upset in about 20 years. Every time I see this on TV raw emotions overcome me, and nothing but tears continually roll down my face.” Sam Dancy, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President and Shop Steward 

“As a mother of biracial children, I sobbed. I could not even stop crying when I saw what the police did to this man. I fear for the safety of my own biracial children.”  Carrie Ann Perry, UFCW 21 Member 

We are filled with grief as we cope with two epidemics and a failed state response to both. One is a global pandemic that has killed over 100,000 of our brothers, sisters, and siblings here in the US. COVID-19, a disease that could have been minimized, but instead was allowed to devastate our nation, is highlighting the cracks in our foundation and illustrating the gross racial and economic inequalities that plague us. The second epidemic is the deep stain of racism rooted in the founding of our country and built into the fabric of our institutions.  

The widespread and institutional racism and violence against Black people in this nation goes back over 400 years. It is present and on the rise now, in 2020. This is outrageous. The list is long: police brutality, voter disenfranchisement, racism in hiring, health care, education. We stand for justice for Black people who have been murdered as a result of racist policies, practices, and actors. We lift up our collective voice and say their names: Emmett Till. Philando Castile. Sandra Bland. Michael Brown. Tamir Rice. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd. The list could fill a book. We stand for justice for all Black people in this country. 

When communities of color are being repeatedly traumatized, when we see racist acts of hate and violence on full display played out online and splashed across televisions and newspapers, we remember that labor’s power comes from our ability to act collectively. Fear undermines our collective power. Racism undermines our collective power. Racism is the enemy of the working class. Racism is the enemy of organized labor. In acts of solidarity, we can gain hope, even where we may disagree. Martin Luther King said, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” For working people, there is no more time to remain silent. 

Please join with us in a movement for justice that we of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 21 are committed to help to build. We need your voices, your stories about the injustices that you have experienced and resisted, and we need your engagement in the continuing struggle. 

“I see you, I hear you, I mourn with you. Black Lives Matter.” Jeannette Randall, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President   

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Faye Guenther, UFCW 21 President 

Joe Mizrahi, UFCW 21 Secretary-Treasurer 

Fredel Albritton, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Kyong Barry, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Gregg Barney, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Maggie Breshears, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Greg Brooks, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Patricia Brown, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Christy Cyr, UFCW 21 Member

Sam Dancy, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Amy Dayley Angell, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Robin Grier, UFCW 21 Member

Tashia Hicks-Templeton, UFCW 21 Member

Eleanor Knight, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Atsuko Koseki, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President 

Mohamed N Muhidin, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Carrie Anne Perry, UFCW 21 Member

Jennifer Parker, UFCW 21 Member

Wil Peterson, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Cliff Powers, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Jeannette Randall, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Rob Shauger, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Scott Shiflett, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Chuck Svac, UFCW 21 Member

Richard Waits, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Sue Wilmot, UFCW 21 Executive Vice President

Zion, UFCW 21 Member