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PCC pushes to cut workers out of new hazard pay law!

Support Essential PCC workers’ Demand for Hazard Pay 

Grocery stores have seen increases in sales during COVID but most grocery employers have failed to share their profit windfall with the frontline workers who are taking all the risk to keep stores open. 

PCC cut hazard pay in July and refused to reinstate it, despite persistent demands from workers. 

In an unprecedented move, the new PCC CEO, a former Kroger executive, is pushing Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan to kill the grocery store hazard pay mandate approved by Seattle City Council last week. 

This move is out of step with the values that have made PCC a success. 

Hazard pay is not just about safety, but about the respect and dignity of essential workers. We are 1500 workers currently bargaining to reinstate hazard pay and implement much needed quarantine pay when we are exposed to or diagnosed with COVID.  

We demand that PCC reinstate hazard pay for ALL essential workers in all PCC stores and publicly withdraw their request to the Seattle Mayor and City Council. 

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