Lourdes Counseling Center - 100% “No” Vote! Current Workplace Conditions are Unacceptable
100% of full time and part-time staff who voted on February 8 unanimously voted “NO”. We are all in agreement that the current workplace conditions are unacceptable as are the proposals the employer has taken over 8 months to put forth.
We had at the vote a new “strike pledge” petition, indicating to the employer that the vast majority of us will stand united in the event that a strike is necessary to obtain a more favorable contract. Those of you in the bargaining unit that were unable to attend the vote will be approached by bargaining team representative to get your commitment to our pledge.
We want to reiterate that this is NOT a strike authorization. This is a pledge to strike at a later date if it comes to that. These pledges can be very powerful in negotiations. We would hold a strike authorization vote if it becomes necessary.
Our next bargaining date with the employer is scheduled for Friday, February 19 and we look forward to presenting both our unanimous “NO” vote on the contract offer as well as a robust strike pledge petition.
If you have stories about workplace assaults, safety concerns, inadequate staffing levels, high patient to staff ratios, etc... We want to hear them! Please email your stories as the union is ramping up the media campaign. The unsafe workplace at Lourdes Counseling Center will be exposed.
We will be organizing a coordinated informational picket with the bargaining unit at Lourdes Medical Center (they, too, are bargaining with LifePoint/Lourdes). This approach will hopefully be a catalyst to get deals done at both tables. Please look for further details on this action.
Again, thank you for your showing your support to our union by taking a few minutes out of your day to vote as well as to the staff who were present during the voting times.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact one of your bargaining team members or your Union Representative Austen Louden at 509-340-7372 or Alounden@ufcw21.org