UFCW 3000

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PCC - PCC Still Silent on Economics

On Monday, we made progress in getting PCC to back off some of their bad proposals around our grievance procedure. We’re still waiting for PCC to respond to our proposals for wage and premium increases. Instead of an economic response, PCC proposed making us take home our own aprons to wash. 

“We want to bring home the bacon, not our dirty apron.” 

– PCC Bargaining Team 

Your PCC Bargaining Team:

Atsuko Koseki, Edmonds Deli;
Greg Brooks, Fremont Meat;
Keith Allery, Greenlake Village Deli;
Quinn Ráo, Ballard Front End;
Scott Shiflett, Redmond Meat;
Yasab Pfister, Burien Front End

  • Share your story on what increasing the staff discount means for you:

  • RSVP to an info picket:

  • Join us for a PCC only telephone town hall on March 30 @ 6:30 PM to hear the latest bargaining update:

Tuesday, March 30
6:30 PM
Call: 888-231-5462
Meeting ID: 5821

  • Wear your button to support Donna and Laurae for the PCC Board of Trustees! Elections start April 8. 

Need a button? Contact your shop steward!

Our next bargaining date is March 30.