UFCW 3000

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Hood Famous Bakeshop - Contract Vote Scheduled

Contract Vote Scheduled

As mentioned a few weeks ago, our Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with Chera & Geo on the first Hood Famous Bakeshop contract. Now the only thing left to do is to hold a contract ratification vote.

We have been working on the vote details and are finally ready to announce that a contract vote has been scheduled for Friday, April 30. This vote will be held in-person at our Seattle Office with strict COVID-19 precautions in place.

Hood Famous Contract Vote
Friday, April 30
8 AM - 10 AM
4 PM - 6 PM

5030 1st Ave South
Seattle, WA 98134

When at the vote meeting, you shall be given a full copy of the proposed contract with Union staff available to answer any of your questions. You will be given as much time as necessary to review the documents so long as you arrive by the designated polling times. Anyone who arrives outside of the designated polling times shall not be permitted to enter the vote meeting.

The face mask requirement, capacity limits, and social distancing will be strictly enforced, including those who have been vaccinated.