UFCW 3000

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Whidbey Health - We finally reached a deal! Electronic Vote on June 25m

In 2019, WhidbeyHealth and the Pro-Tech/LPN and Support Services bargaining units reached a one-year contract agreement. At that time, the Hospital asked for a “longer runway” so that they could sort out their finances and plan for annual wage increases for 2020 and 2021. We granted them more time and decided we would fight for fair wage increases in 2020. 

We have been at the bargaining table since January 2021 and were able to finally obtain an agreement in May 2021! The delays in bargaining were in part due to the Hospital’s financial situation. At the table, we heard WhidbeyHealth mention that they had negative days of “cash at hand.” The Employer made proposals to take-away benefits and offered no wage increases. 

We were able to push back on these proposals and finally won yearly increases, retroactive pay from 2020 until present, improvements to contract language, and no takeaways! 

We will be voting online on June 25 via SimplyVoting from 12:01 AM to 8 PM. Every union member in good standing and union dues paying member will receive an email on June 25 with a unique login in order to vote. The full vote document will be available at UFCW 21 and on SimplyVoting. We will also be going over the document on June 14 and June 23 via Zoom. 


If you have workplace or disciplinary issues, please contact your union rep, Adrian Noel at anoel@ufcw21.org  or (360) 419-4677. You may also call the Member Resource Center at (206) 436-6570.

In solidarity, 

Pro/Tech/LPN and Support Services Bargaining Team