UFCW 3000

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Safeway #1550 Workers Organize to Win!

#WorkerWednesday is here and we want to spotlight the incredible organizing being done by grocery store workers & proud UFCW 3000 members at Safeway #1550 in the Roosevelt neighborhood of Seattle, WA.

Like many frontline, #EssentialWorkers at grocery stores across the PNW, the workers at Safeway #1550 have been dealing with many safety issues: cars being broken into, verbal assault, and harassment. One top concern was simply having a coded door to their break room so that workers could feel safe, knowing their personal belongings were not accessible to the public. Despite submitting the most store incident reports in their district to corporate about their concerns, management did not take any steps to address these issues.

One of the workers at Safeway #1550, Joaquin Viralta, came up with the idea of getting his coworkers to sign onto a petition. Leaders like Ian Bangs and many others soon took the drafted petition to their coworkers, getting over 80% of the store to sign on within 3 weeks. Ian and other worker-leaders represented their coworkers by delivering this petition to management. The workers received a commitment from management to: 1) install a coded break room door, 2) supply adequate PPE for each department, and 3) begin a program to help members get to their cars at night safe & sound.

This victory was only possible because of leaders like Joaquin and Ian stepping up, encouraging their coworkers to get involved with the union, and trying tactics like safety reports & the petition to successfully advocate for the change they needed in their workplace.

To all the worker-leaders at Safeway #1550: we are so inspired by your creativity & dedication!