UFCW 3000

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Richland Fred Meyer Bargaining Update

Our Richland Bargaining Team met on May 9 to continue the bargaining process. Our committee drafted a complete set of proposals for the employer that include:

  • A fair wage package.

  • Respects those that have dedicated their lives to Kroger during the pandemic.

  • Quality Health care that we can afford.

  • A retirement that we can rely on.

These proposals are on top of what we have continued to push for:

  • A fair grievance process.

  • Workplace safety.

  • Just Cause standards for discipline with a third party arbitrator.

Our union has now given the Employer a full and comprehensive proposal, that would be the basis of our contract, a legally binding agreement, for years to come.

Now it is the Employer’s turn to give us a counter-proposal and we expect them to give us a full response to all of the concepts that we pushed across the table. Fred Meyer has given us dates in June when we will meet next.

It’s time to show Fred Meyer that we expect the respect, protection, and pay that we deserve.