UFCW 3000

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Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center - Bargaining continues

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Bargaining continues

“The Employer actually asked the Bargaining Team to TRUST them when they proposed to eliminate our guaranteed coverage of Health, Vision and Dental insurance. Would you trust Providence?” —Derek Roybal, CV Tech and Bargaining Team member

Our Bargaining Team met with Management on December 18 and had a long discussion about attendance, benefits, and compensation.

While we were able to make significant progress on many issues, the Employer also sent a clear message they want to come after some of the core pillars of our Union contract. This included Management proposal to add language that limits our ability to grieve or arbitrate in many areas of our contract and troublesome language that removes mush of our contractual protections on benefit plans as the wish for us to receive the same as non-represented Employees. We believe in the Union difference and Providence’s proposals clearly show they are attempting to weaken our bargaining unit.

Making matters worse, Management sent conflicting and possibly deceptive information which created the need to take a break and cut bargaining short on December 19.

We will meet again with Providence on January 9, and hope they come to the table ready to work together to address retention and recruitment issues, affordable benefit options, and fair compensation.

Our Bargaining Team is committed to protecting the rights and benefits in our contract. Please contact any of your Bargaining Team members or your Union Rep Juanita Quezada with any questions or concerns.

Join us at our next bargaining update meeting!
Thursday, January 4
6pm — 8pm
UFCW 3000 office, 2805 N. Market St. Spokane WA