UFCW 3000

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PRMCE RN Bargaining Update

On July 16 we held a banner action on Pacific and Broadway and showed the public that we are fighting for better staffing for Snohomish County. We will be holding more actions in Everett (see below) to make the community aware that we are fighting for a competitive contract and safe staffing at PRMCE.
On July 19 nurses and the Bargaining Team met and discussed future actions and how we can improve union transparency/communication. Our union staff and your bargaining team are committed to implementing the solutions nurses proposed and are open to your feedback. We want all nurses to know that we hear their concerns!

On July 21 we will be going to negotiations with Hospital Management. This session will be mediated by a federal mediator. Given PRMCE’s lack of movement on our staffing and wage proposals, we have decided to use a neutral third party to mediate this negotiation session.

It is clear to us that this contract will determine if nurses leave or stay at PRMCE.We are fighting for historic staffing language and will not concede until PRMCE agrees!

We need to show PRMCE that we are serious about our proposals and are willing to strike!

If you have not already signed the strike pledge, please click on the link PRMCE RN - I Promise to Take Action! 
Also encourage your coworkers to update their information:

Below are the current articles that are open and our last proposals:

  • Article 2 Union Matters- union security, Providence must provide personal emails for each nurse (if available)

  • Article 4 Union Representation- union representatives will have access to all unit conference rooms, Providence will ensure that two bargaining committee members per unit will have their shifts covered in order to attend negotiations

  • Article 6 Employment Practices- a nurse may request for a written warning to be removed from their file if the discipline is 18 months old, documented coachings/counselings shall be removed from a nurse’s file, upon request, after 9 months

  • Staffing- additional $5/ hour per shift to nurses if their unit falls below the staffing plan for their unit plus major improvements to the staffing committee agenda like reviewing nurse exit interviews and addressing acute staffing issues immediately

  • Article 7 Seniority- a new list for skill departments to reflect current department breakdown, Providence will notify nurses of recall via email and mail

  • Article 8 Hours of Work and Overtime- double time pay for nurses on standby on holidays, travelers will be low censused first and then agency nurses, 12 break relief nurses, per diem nurses minimum shift scheduling

  • Article 9 Compensation- Nurses will need to work 1,664 hours instead of 1,872 hours to advance to their next step increase. $3.00 Evening shift differential and $6.50 Night shift differential. After 24 months of working on third shift, nurses shall receive an additional $3/ hour in addition to their shift differential. Standby on-call pay of $7/ hour. Float Pool/Resource Team pay of $5. Increased premium for preceptors to $2.00 to train the nurses we desperately need. Expanded holiday pay for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for night shift nurses. $800 Standby Bonus for nurses who work more than 500 standby hours each calendar year, $1100 standby bonus for nurses who work more than 800 standby hours in a half year, $1250 for nurses who work more than 1100 standby hours in a half year

  • Wages- Step increments between steps would be an average of 2.5%. Currently the step increments vary between step. Increase base to Swedish’s base rate of $42.22 on June 1, 2023. The new wage table would range from $42.22 (Base)  80.55 (Step 35). November 1, 2023 8.25% increase, 2024 5% increase, 2025 6.5% increase

  • Article 15 Committees- Staffing Committee would reflect the new staffing law, which means if the Hospital violates this article we can file a grievance and take the grievance to arbitration if necessary. Additionally if the staffing plan is not adhered to by a margin of 85% and a nurse works on their day off, .9 to 1.0 FTE nurses shall receive double time pay and .5 to .89 FTE nurses shall receive 1.5 time pay for all time worked up to 40 hours (these nurses will receive double time for work beyond 40 hours)

  • Article 16 Nursing Education/License-Increasing education leave hours to 40 (prorated by FTE), increasing education dollars, and tuition reimbursement of $5,250 for all nurses with a .75 FTE or above

Our PRMCE RN Union Bargaining Team: Trevor Gjendem, Juan Stout, Carrie Rimel, Kelli Johnson, Stephanie Sausman, Julie Bynum, Kristen Crowder

Upcoming Actions

July 25 Bargaining Update Meeting 8pm-9pm via Zoom: 

July 27 5:30pm to 6:30pm Leaflet Action at Everett Marina Concert Series
(park on Grand Ave or Everett Marina paid parking)

August 3 5:30pm to 6:30pm Leaflet Action at Everett Marina Concert Series
(park on Grand Ave or Everett Marina paid parking)

August 6 Everett Farmer’s Market Leaflet Action 10:30am to 12pm
(meet on Pacific and Wetmore)

August 17 AquaSox Game Leaflet Action 6pm to 7pm
Nurses are encouraged to bring friends/family(free tickets will be available to the game after the leaflet, please RSVP with Anthony Cantu 206-436-6566)

August 27 Everett Farmer’s Market 10:30am to 12pm
(meet on Pacific and Wetmore)