UFCW 3000

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Planned Parenthood Bargaining Update

Today our Union Bargaining Team proposed good faith non-economic counters to Planned Parenthood. We were hopeful to receive Planned Parenthoods’ counter on non-economics today, however Planned Parenthood countered instead with their economic proposal. In this economic counter, Planned Parenthood proposed a non-equitable new system that would not include annual raises and only a one-time equity bump. We will have a counter on economics to Planned Parenthood at our next session on August 9 but will not counter until they respond to our final non-economics. We want to ensure our staffing language and Labor Management Committee (LMC) proposals are responded to in good faith, instead of what Planned Parenthood is doing which is ignoring our counters.

Planned Parenthood is continuing to propose Force Majeure, this would allow them to not follow the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in the event of anything they deem a natural disaster/pandemic. We believe YOU should be protected with your CBA, no matter what happens.

“Time is precious and our families can’t afford to wait!” — Monalisa Bauman