UFCW 3000

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PCC - Declaration Delivered!

Our bargaining team met with PCC management on July 26 to respond to their earlier proposals and bring forward some of our own, including:

  • IMPROVING CAUCUS COMMITTEES: We proposed building more structure, efficiency and communication for all parties involved in the Worker Caucus Committees (WCC) to make them more effective.

  • EXPANDING LEAVE: We proposed an expansion of Leave of Absence (LOA) language so we get at least as much LOA time as other Union grocery store workers in the area—including staff with less than 18 months of service with PCC, who also need and deserve protected leave.

  • VACATION BIDDING & APPROVAL CHANGES: We reached a Tentative Agreement on an improved vacation bidding process and a clear timeline for approval!

We presented our Declaration of Demands signed by nearly 80% of PCC workers! Yasab, Marlin, and Allison of our Bargaining Comittee spoke to PCC representatives about the importance and strength of this petition.
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