UFCW 3000

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PRMCE RN - Mediation and Bargaining Update, August 1, 2023

Yesterday, with our Federal Mediator, Providence continued to counter our proposals with little to no change.

WE ARE NOT AT AN IMPASSE in bargaining. After Providence stated at the table they believed we were at an impasse and we should end expedited bargaining, UFCW and our bargaining team requested to the mediator that we wanted another bargaining date! The mediator is working with both UFCW and Providence offline to figure out at a date that works for both parties and the Federal Mediator to go back to the table.

We continue to bargain in good faith and have been countering proposals while ensuring Nurses needs are MET. Safe staffing language and competitive wages are a priority to ensure we retain and recruit new nurses! We are working to schedule one more date with the mediator, and we are going to continue our actions and demonstrate our solidarity as a group.

August 3—5:30PM to 6:30PM Leaflet Action at Everett Marina Concert Series (park on Grand Ave or Everett Marina paid parking)

August 6—Everett Farmer’s Market Leaflet Action 10:30AM to 12PM (meet on Pacific and Wetmore)

August 16—Community Townhall with Nurses 5PM to 6PM Everett Labor Temple

August 17—AquaSox Game Leaflet Action and Union Solidarity Night 6PM to 7pm—Nurses are encouraged to bring friends/family (free tickets will be available to the game after the leaflet, please RSVP with Anthony Cantu 206-436-6566)

August 27—Everett Farmer’s Market 10:30AM to 12PM (meet on Pacific and Wetmore)Nurses, be on the lookout for a detailed counter proposal from your UFCW bargaining team similar to Providence’s proposal that was printed last week!

“Providence is daring us to strike. If we are not willing to show our striking power we will be forced to take the deal they have offered. The worst thing that can happen will not be a strike, the worst thing is we accept a bad deal and we lose a huge chunk of our remaining staff. We are asking for a reasonable contract we are not asking for a 157% pay increase like Rod Hochman CEO of Providence got. We are asking for consistent pay increases throughout the contract to keep us competitive with Overlake and Swedish. We are asking for strong staffing language to hold Providence accountable when we take 6,7, or more patients.

— Trevor Gjendum