UFCW 3000

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Card Kingdom - Ratification Notice! First Contract Ratified!

On July 27, 2023, OUR first ever contract was RATIFIED!

Thank you for coming out, voting on OUR contract, and ensuring OUR voice is heard. No Kings, Only Solidarity!

Alongside Just Cause protections, we won raises, a labor management committee, and solidified benefits we already had. Our contract only gets stronger after each negotiation and the way we maintain a strong union is by your involvement. The fight for a first contract is a long and hard one and winning such a great contract shows the strength and solidarity our union had throughout the process.

“This is the first ever union in this industry and we’re proud to have built it alongside our coworkers. We can claim increased wages, tenure-based raises, and severance and relocation packages amongst our wins. It hasn’t always been easy, and it won’t ever be, but that’s what fighting for a contract and a union will always be. We look forward to its continuation into the future, wherever CK is, no matter if it’s in Monroe or Hell.”

— Jeff, Bargaining Team Member

If you are interested in becoming a steward, please take this survey to be on the list for the shop steward training!

Join our union and sign the membership application here!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Union Representative, Dominick Ojeda at ​(206) 436-6586