UFCW 3000

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Erika Bolser

Erika Bolser dressed for work urgent care work (and we see you Taylor Swift novelty name badge!)

Erika Bolser has worked as a medical assistant at Sation Square Urgent Care for Skagit Regional Health for over six years and been involved as a shop steward since 2020. For Erika one of the most important things she does is to welcome new hires to the union and make sure they know their rights under the contract. That includes making sure people exercise their right to union representation in an investigatory meeting, which is one of the other shop steward duties that she takes very seriously.

As a steward Erika is able to provide representation to coworkers, as an equal to management, when they are being interviewed about anything that could possibly lead to disciplinary action. She also has been critical in her role of investigating when workers’ wages are being unfairly garnished at Skagit Regional Health.

Off the job Erica works part-time as an educator at Skagit Valley College for students seeking a MA-C degree. She also spends a lot of time raising her teenager, and teaching them about the empowerment workers have with a union, and how shop stewards are the backbone of any union!