UFCW 3000

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Hood Famous Tentative agreement reached!

After months of negotiations, our union Bargaining Team (Tai and Kyzaiah) has reached a full tentative agreement with Hood Famous .

The improvements to our contract include:

  • NEW: vacation days with a structure based on longevity & hours worked

  • NEW: profit-sharing through the Labor Management Committee

  • Guaranteed hours for full-time and part-time, flex employees get priority choice for open shifts

  • Wage increases

In-person contract vote: June 21, 11am — 2pm
In the community space in the basement of Publix (504 5th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104)

Our bargaining team recommends a YES vote. Members in good standing are encouraged to attend the vote meeting during the vote window to cast their ballot.

If you have questions please reach out to union Rep. Dominick Ojeda at 360-409-0595.