UFCW 3000

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Hood Famous Bakeshop Contract Ratified!

On June 21, we ratified our second contract ever at Hood Famous! This contract includes wage increases, introduces vacation days, provides guaranteed hours to full and part time employees, and moves from a tip model to a service charge model. We are setting the model for the service industry in Seattle.

"Our union is stronger because we came together and negotiated this contract! We reengaged over arbitrary reduction in hours, and now we have a guarantee of hours and paid time off."— Tai, Negotiation Committee member & shop steward.

Full redline copies of the agreement are available. If you have any questions, please call your union Rep. Dominick Ojeda at 360-409-0595.

Some other great things our union is up to:

  • Join us at TransPride next Friday, June 28 from 5pm-10pm

  • Join fellow UFCW 3000 members for a day of sun at Wild Waves in August

  • Hoping to pursue higher education? Look at union scholarships through UnionPlus