UFCW 3000

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Seattle Children’s Hospital Urgent Care MAs: Progress at the Bargaining Table!

Our union bargaining team (left to right): Joelyn Martin, Angelica Acevedo Arreola, Wendy Rivas

“In a huge change from 3 years ago, Management seems motivated to get a deal, and has so far been willing to engage in real conversations about the problems MA’s face. We’re hopeful that this attitude continues throughout negotiations.”

- Bargaining team members Joelyn Martin, Angelica Acevedo Arreola, Wendy Rivas

Our team met with management on Tuesday (6/3) and continued to discuss non-economic issues such as layoff protections, seniority, temporary employees, low census and more. While there is still much to be done, we were pleased with the pace of negotiations and are hopeful that management will continue to display the same collaborative attitude we saw today.

We anticipate resolving the majority of outstanding non-economic issues in our next session and presenting our initial wage proposals afterwards.