UFCW 3000

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Whidbey Health Service and Support Bargaining Update

On Thursday, July 11, our union Bargaining Team had another bargaining session with WhidbeyHealth. Between June 13 and this past Thursday, we have moved closer to a complete contract for your approval. We have finished most of the non-economic pieces and now we are focused on what remains –wages, parity, and a ratification bonus.

Both sides have modified their proposals to reflect the most senior employees receiving wage parity the soonest. We got the Employer a counterproposal late in the day, they did not have time to respond, and we continue to push for the longest-term employees being put first for ratification bonuses and wage parity.

When we asked you to sign the petition over the last two weeks Marilyn Faber, bargaining team member, said:

“Your voice mattered! With your support, WhidbeyHealth has agreed in principle to recognize the most senior employees sooner rather than later.”

We do not yet have another bargaining session scheduled, but if you have any questions please talk to our Bargaining Team members or call Union Representative Celia Ponce-Sanchez at 360-419-4678.