UFCW 3000

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Deep Roots - Deep Roots Sale

We received notice last week that Deep Roots has sold their studios to The Best Studio Ever effective August 5, 2024. We know that there are likely many emotions about the unknown and want to share that the Union has reached out to the new owners to have a conversation and determine next steps regarding the collective bargaining agreement and their plans after August 5. As soon as we have more information, we will send out communication to all members.

In the meantime, Deep Roots current management will continue to pay all employees for all wages, commissions, any overtime, and all accrued paid time off earned up to the sale date. If you have questions about any of the compensation listed, please connect with Deep Roots management and let us know if there is support needed. If you have made contributions to the Retirement IRA, you can access your account here.

Now is the time to get involved as a Union steward, helping to support coworkers and organize as needed. Please reach out to Union Representative Dominick Ojeda, (206) 436-6586, if you'd like to get involved, have questions, or if you have helpful information to share as we work through this transition together.