UFCW 3000

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REI - Preparing for Next Steps!

We were back at it again with REI’s attorneys for negotiations on July 22 and 24. If REI wants to live up to their values, we deserve an Employer representative at the negotiation table.

Because of the new availability form, our last session centered around the next steps for those negatively impacted by the new policy. As union-represented employees – we have the right to negotiate these changes! Our intention is to implement the 16-day notice for scheduling offered at non-union locations, but if you have a concern about that notice period, please let one of the members of our bargaining team know.

Those of us that are negatively impacted by the new availability standards can negotiate through our Union on how to mitigate those changes. Contact our union rep Dominick Ojeda by August 9 to prepare for those negotiations on August 28 and 29. Managers should treat availability meetings as informational; these are not meetings to formalize your availability or negotiate how the changes impact you.

The rest of our time in negotiations was spent preparing proposals, asking questions about the Employer’s counter proposals, and engaging with our fellow REI green vests around the country to prepare for the next steps in our campaign.

We continue to be ready to negotiate and willing to fight for REI to return to its Co-Op values!

Our REI Bargaining Committee,

Tini, Dan, Alex, Sue, Sharon