UFCW 3000

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Providence Everett Case Managers Providence rejects our proposals

On September 18, our Bargaining Team met with PRMCE Management to address the significant impacts of the case management restructure. We presented a comprehensive set of proposals to protect our working conditions, including improvements to scheduling, PTO bidding, floating, low census, and FTE reductions.

Unfortunately, Providence rejected all of these proposals, maintaining the stance that the restructure will not affect staffing. We are deeply disappointed by their refusal to acknowledge the real concerns you have shared with us about these changes.

As we prepare for our next bargaining session on September 25, we will continue to bring forward the issues that you have shared with us.

Now more than ever, it’s critical that we stand together in solidarity. If you haven’t already signed the petition of no confidence, please take a moment to do so today. Together, we can show Providence that we will not back down when it comes to improving our workplace and patient care.