On Thursday, September 22nd, join the UFCW Minority Coalition and our fellow UFCW members across the country for this Zoom webinar on the 2022 Midterm Elections and defending our democracy. Together, we’ll discuss how to “protect the past, defend the present, and mobilize for the future.” The guest speaker is Stacey Abrams, best known for being a leading Voting Rights activist across the country and who is currently a Gubernatorial candidate in the State of Georgia.
This is a digital event on 9/22/22, from 3 - 4:30 PM Pacific Time (6 - 7 PM Eastern Time). For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.ufcwminoritycoalition.org. Questions about this event? You can direct them to UFCW 3000 Executive Assistant, Marquita Johnson, by emailing marquita@ufcw3000.org.
UFCW Minority Coalition — Equality Through Solidarity