Join us in-person and virtually on Mar 26, 2024, 10:00 AM.
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Meeting Details:
Employers are obligated to protect their workers from harassment and discrimination at work. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency charged with enforcing the nation’s laws that prohibit discrimination in employment. During this session, we’ll discuss these laws with a specific focus on race, color, and national origin discrimination. We’ll also cover what you need to know if you (or someone you know) are subjected to harassment or discrimination at work and how to file a charge with the agency. Plus, there will be ample time at the end to address your questions.
Our Guest Speaker:
Zachary Florent is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for EEOC’s Seattle Field Office. He was previously a senior investigator in the agency’s Chicago District Office, responsible for conducting investigations, analyzing evidence, negotiating settlements, and conducting outreach. Prior to joining the agency, Mr. Florent served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Philippines and the Artistic Director of a documentary theater company. He is a graduate of Ball State University in Muncie, IN.
The Racial Justice Advisory Board meets three times a year to review our priorities and determine the steps that we need to take, in order to move toward the goal of equity at work and in our community. The committee welcomes participation from every worksite represented by UFCW 3000, including any worksite where workers are trying to form a union with UFCW 3000.
At meetings we aim to:
Build trust with each other and build unity around what it means to become anti-racist.
Deepen our understanding of institutional racism and how that impacts us at work and in our communities.
Discuss both individual and collective actions we can take to build an anti-racist UFCW 3000.
Educate each other about racism and the long fight for justice.