UFCW 3000

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Skagit Regional Health - Nominate Your 2022 Bargaining Team!

We are aiming to begin contract negotiations for SRH by early February and we need a strong team of leaders to represent the workforce. As health care workers during this pandemic we have a lot of leverage, but we know there are a lot of issues to address.

Bargaining Team members are able to:

  • Represent the needs of all departments and job classes, not just their own

  • Inspire their co-workers to take action to win a strong contract

  • Communicate bargaining priorities and updates back to their co-workers

While we can’t have every department represented at the bargaining table, we will have representation from a wide range of departments. This year we will be conducting a democratic process to fill 7 seats on our Bargaining Team.

Nominations are open through January 7, but act soon to let us know your priorities!

Nominate yourself or a co-worker at: bit.ly/Skagit-BT22

Only members in good standing are able to participate on the Bargaining Team or vote on the contract. Need to join UFCW21? Fill out our membership application at: join.ufcw.org/join/21