UFCW 3000

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May 11: COVID-19 Telephone Town Hall for UFCW 21 Members – Call-In Only!

Note: This week’s Telephone Town Hall meetings are call-in only, meaning you must call the number below to join in.

Join us for a town hall call to ask questions, share ideas, hear from your fellow members and union leadership, and work together to face the COVID-19 crisis and stand up for working people.

We are testing different methods to make these calls better for everyone, so this week’s is call-in only. You will not receive a call at the meeting time, so mark your calendar and call in at the number and time below:

Monday, May 11

6:30 pm

Phone number: 844-227-7553

Meeting ID: 4677

Health Care Members Call:

Monday, May 11

7:30 pm

Phone number: 844-227-7561

Meeting ID: 4678