Summary of the Macy’s Reopening Agreement

This is a summary of the agreement which outlines options if you are not able to return to work, Macy’s safety procedures when the store opens, and how the stores will operate until August starts. Please contact your rep if you have questions or concerns:

Not able to return to work:

If you are not able or willing to return when recalled, there are three different options:

-One time pass: places you on the bottom of the one-time recall list for reopening, this does not affect your seniority within Macy’s, when called back the second time must be able to return to work or the Employer will consider it your resignation. Macy’s will be keeping you on furlough, so your employment status is should not be changing in regard to unemployment insurance.

-Personal leave: 2-weeks of unpaid leave to give you time to prepare for the return to work. You would then return to work after the 2 week leave. You can access you vacation/sick bank and your PTOs as you will be considered “active.” This will change your status for unemployment insurance.

-Medical leave: You will need doctor’s certification and would be placed on active status and given medical leave. When medical leave is up, you will to return to work. You can access your vacation/sick bank and your PTOs as you will be considered “active.” This will change your status for unemployment as you will be active, however if you are a person who is “at risk” for COVID-19 or is sick with COVID-19, you may still be eligible for unemployment insurance. If you are not eligible you for unemployment insurance, you could be eligible for Washington State Paid Family Leave.

Safety at the store:

-Macy’s will provide PPE (personal protective equipment) to all members, including face masks and gloves (where needed).

-Macy’s needs to enforce social distancing and provide for the time and cleaning materials to sanitize the areas where we are working, while we are working.

-Macy’s will perform wellness checks of all employees before the start of their shifts, to help stop the spread in our workplaces.

-Members have the rights to refuse work that is not safe, with proper notification to management (contact your rep or shop steward).

Hours workers, commission pay, COVID-19 leave:

-While the store gets back to normal volume, the stores are operating with temporarily reduced business hours. Full time will be guaranteed 28 hours, part time 10, recalled Flex workers will not be assigned shifts (as usual).

-Once the store returns to regular hours, or the agreement expires, the people will return to their hours options before the stores closed for the pandemic. If there are permanent staff/hours reductions those are subject to seniority.

-For returned to work members, Macy’s will pay up to two weeks leave for members required to self-quarantine due to or have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

-For draw vs commission Macy’s will clear possible deficits until agreement ends on August 1st.

-Our union contract has not changed; Macy’s still needs to follow it.


Bill Roberts
Bellingham Macy’s
(360) 419-4665

Teasha Karell
Alderwood Macy’s and Furniture Gallery
(206) 436-6510

Ariana Davis
Southcenter Macy’s and Furniture Gallery
(206) 436-6586

Monica Smith
Federal Way Commons Macy’s
(206) 436-6524