UFCW 3000

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Governor Announces Statewide Mask Mandate

Many UFCW 21 members have been wearing masks to work for months already, but the public has not been required to do so. We wear masks to protect our customers, patients, and each other, but we know masks are most effective when everyone is wearing them. That’s why UFCW 21 members have been pushing for the public to be required to wear masks when they visit our workplaces—like stores, pharmacies, and clinics.

This week the governor has listened to essential workers and issued a mandate that everyone wear face coverings when going out in public. We know we had an impact, because members have been demanding this for months and that has been repeatedly passed on to state officials. When we speak up together, we make change. UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther joined Governor Inslee for a press conference announcing this safety proclamation on Tuesday, June 23.

Meanwhile, Fred Meyer, QFC, Safeway, Albertsons, and Haggen have cut hazard pay for front-line grocery store workers. Employers should be implementing hazard pay for all essential workers immediately. Get in touch with your Shop Steward or Union Rep to get involved in actions for hazard pay at your workplace.

Read the Governor’s proclamation about mask-wearing here:

Beginning June 26, every Washingtonian in an indoor public space, or in an outside public space when unable to physically distance from others, will be legally required to wear a face covering…