Macy’s Only Offers 25¢ and Wants to Eliminate the Wage Scales

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On June 1, Macy’s gave us their wage proposal, offering colleagues only a $0.25 an-hour raise in each year of the contract. We deserve more than that! 

“The prices customers pay for our products go up by dollars per year, not a quarter a year. Macy’s needs to do better. We worked through this pandemic and put ourselves at risk on the job every day. A quarter just doesn’t cut it.”

– Curtisy Bryant, Southcenter Cosmetics

Macy’s also proposed to eliminate the wage scales that provide us with a pathway to the highest wages in our contract. Make no mistake, eliminating wage scales will:

  • Keep wages down for us as a group, the newer you are the worse it would be. 

  • Not give us proper credit for the experience and skill that we gain on the job.

  • Cease to acknowledge the differences in jobs and responsibilities at Macy’s.

All of that is on top of their previous proposals that:

  • Delete all of our attendance credits via their Reliability Program.

  • Leave it up to managers to decide if we can take PTOs.

  • Allows them to open on Christmas & Easter & schedule you work.

  • Allows them to schedule us more late shifts every week then is currently allowed.

But this fight isn’t about Macy’s bad ideas. It’s about us moving forward with a better Union contract. Your bargaining committee is at the table fighting for:

  • Have MLK Day become a full PTO instead of a floating holiday.

  • Get us the protections we need in this pandemic and any future ones with

  • Safety standards,

  • Hazard pay for when our work puts us at risk,

  • Protections from store closure and loss of hours.

  • Wage increases that sustain us better than 25¢

  • A shorter probationary period after being hired

  • Make it easier to qualify for FMLA leaves

  • Improve bereavement leaves to include more family members.

Get ready to take action soon. Macy’s needs to hear from you, its employees, so that they know their proposals for our contract are unacceptable. In 2018 we turned out repeatedly to show Macy’s that we would not accept anything less that a fair contract.