NWA Bargaining Update - Management Wants to Play Hardball

On Wednesday, October 16 we met with Management and bargained over some remaining non-economic issues. We did reach a few Tentative Agreements on these items.

We met with Management again on Friday, October 18, and presented a new comprehensive economic proposal. We were flabbergasted when Management returned to the table without a counter proposal. Instead, President Chris Parker spent his time reiterating that Management remains uninterested in moving higher than 1.25% wage increases.

Chris Parker stated that any wage proposal that includes a double-digit percentage wage increase is"not in the realm of reason". He further admitted that a 1.25% wage increase is insulting but failed to offer a counter proposal above that amount for the FIFTH time.

Chris said that"we need to incentivize"Management in order for them to increase their wage proposal. On October 23 all NWA bargaining unit members will strategize how best to incentivize them! Please attend the organizing meeting that evening at:

Seattle Labor Temple
5030 1st Ave S
Seattle, WA 98134

Wednesday, October 23
6:00 PM
1st Floor Conference Room

Our Bargaining Team: Chad Gronsky, Distribution; Sierra Cunningham, Payroll Audit; Grace Tsuchikawa, Health and Welfare; Karolin Lund, Accounting and Eligibility; Lulu Morgan, Pension; Iva Johnson, Contract Review (not pictured)