REI Workers Take Action!

We joined hundreds of REI workers across the country taking joint action, standing up against REI’s anti-worker behavior. Management from all over our state was called in to run our store while workers were out on the strike line (with Scabby the Rat). We’ve shown REI that green vests are willing to strike and fight for respect. Our strength is in our solidarity and will get REI to come to the bargaining table in good faith and reach a fair first contract.

Hundreds of REI co-op members stand in solidarity with workers in Bellingham and thousands more across the country. Our union will continue putting the pressure on REI this summer. We will continue organizing more REI workers into our fight. We will stand strong as REI union members until we reach a fair contract and REI stops committing unfair labor practices.

Find other REI unions taking actions during A-Sale here: Instagram

You can read more about the national REI campaign here: Our REI

Dominick will be delivering strike checks this Friday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Starbucks next to REI. If you’re unable to pick up your check this Friday, call Dominick to arrange a time to pick up your check.

If you have any questions or would like to get more involved in your union, call your union rep Dominick Ojeda: (360) 409-0595.