UFCW 3000 Urges Washington State Congressional Delegation To Call on Joe Biden to Step Aside For A New Generation of Leadership

July 18, 2024

Dear Washington State Congressional Delegation,

As the largest private sector Union in Washington State, representing 55,000 members in grocery, healthcare, cannabis, processing, and retail, UFCW 3000 is dedicated to our members in their workplaces, in their communities, and at home.

The accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration are nothing short of historic; from investing in public infrastructure, taking on corporate monopolies, appointing pro-worker appointees to the NLRB and FTC, and being the first President to join striking workers on a picket line. While President Biden has a record of accomplishments we can all be proud of, we cannot afford to go backwards when it comes to the rights of workers to organize, and the important protections we’ve won during President Biden’s term in office.

What’s at stake in this election is the future of our middle class. In Donald Trump’s war on Unions and on our democracy, working people across the country stand the most to lose.

If President Biden continues to demonstrate that he is unable to effectively campaign, and subsequently loses in November, the advances workers have made will be at immediate risk in a second Trump administration.

Unions cannot sit on the sidelines while working people are under attack. Working people need a leader who can effectively deliver a strong message between now and November, and then implement that vision over the next four years. We call on President Biden to pass the torch to the next generation. He has much to celebrate over his career of accomplishments fighting alongside working people, but it is time for him to retire with dignity, and campaign as hard as we all will for an alternative candidate. The stakes are simply too high to do otherwise.

We urge you, members of our Washington State Congressional Delegation, to call on President Joe Biden to step aside for a new generation of leadership.

Faye Guenther, President UFCW 3000
Joe Mizrahi, Secretary-Treasurer UFCW 3000