UFCW 3000

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Providence Centralia Service MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

On September 23, 2024, we had our second bargaining date with Providence and have passed several proposals. We were able to teach tentative agreements around recognition, union roster, meeting rooms in order to gain access and support the unit, and a few others. We are looking forward to our next session that will be around compensation.

“There was some contentious conversations however we still feel optimistic overall .We are looking forward to our next session on Monday September 30 2024, when we will have conversation on our wages. Join us in wearing your Union stickers and colors to show solidarity!” – Our Bargaining Team: Dorys Sanders, Steven Tifft, Candice Hubbard, Brionna Stone, and Kim Jorgenson

Welcome to our Service Unit with UFCW 3000, the Patient Sitter and Schedulers. Did you know that last year they organized to join our union? We are excited to have them be part of our larger bargaining unit standing together in solidarity for a fair contract.

One of the most powerful tools we have is to share our stories. If there is an issue you care deeply about or would like to have addressed at bargaining, please think about how you have been impacted and reach out to a member of the Bargaining Team or Union Representative Ryan DeGouveia 360-662-1982.