Grocery Store Bargain Update: Unions Build Unity, While Employers Stall

Unions Build Unity, While Employers Stall

Despite ongoing conversations over the past two days to discuss changes to our contract language on scheduling, we were not able to make any progress on this important issue. Improved scheduling is critical because it will help workers get more dependable and predictable hours. On the very important issue of wages, the employers still, after our repeated requests, have failed to respond to our wage proposal from over a month ago.

 There have been conversations about the need to provide improvements to our pension problems, but there has yet to be a breakthrough on this front.

Mike Solberg, UFCW 367 Kyong Barry, UFCW 21 Wendy Garrett-Drake, Teamsters 38.jpg

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Next Bargaining Dates: July 22, 23, 24