Kaiser Pharmacy Spokane update on new contract language & premiums

Kaiser Pharmacy Spokane update on new contract language & premiums

Our Negotiation Team has been working with Kaiser both locally and nationally to ensure that our contract agreements are implemented fairly and paid out accurately.

Because Kaiser’s payroll system is run nationally, we are working with the National Alliance of Health Care Unions to help ensure that all changes to payroll codes are implemented as soon as possible.

We are in discussion with Kaiser Washington to push them towards a manual fix - Kaiser’s payment codes are not yet programmed into the payroll system. Management needs to manually keep track of what you are owed to ensure members are compensated quickly and accurately! This is a work-in-progress and we will keep you updated as we push Kaiser toward a solution.

Don’t miss out on important updates! Make sure you and your coworkers’ information is correct and up-to-date!


For further information about our contract or to get involved, please contact our Union Representative Lenaya Wilhelm @ 509-340-7369