WhidbeyHealth Medical Center (ProTech) - Bargaining Continues!

WhidbeyHealth Medical Center (ProTech)
Bargaining Continues!

“For the second bargaining session in a row, we saw nothing new from Management. They proposed inconsistent wage scale changes that we find disappointing.” - Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead

Our Union Bargaining Team met with WhidbeyHealth Management on October 3 for a half-day bargaining session. Management provided a counter-proposal to our last economic proposal. While a number of issues are resolved or are closer to being resolved, wage scales continue to be a sticking point.

Our Bargaining Team has been advocating for “across-the-board” percentage wage increases across all steps and job classifications, whereas Management’s proposals have been inconsistent across steps as well as across job classifications. While their proposed market adjustments for wage rates are based on national data, we feel that our specific job market is unique. We also feel that a simple across-the-board raise for everyone would be the fairest idea.

We will continue to work towards a solution both parties can agree to, but are somewhat far apart on what wage scales should look like moving forward.

Our next bargaining session: Thursday, October 12

Bargaining Team: Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead; Rosalie Nguyen, Pharmacy

If you have any questions, please call Union Rep Celia Ponce-Sanchez @ 360-409 0574.