UFCW 3000

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Whidbeyhealth service and support bargaining update

Our union Bargaining Team: Liz Latiff, Health Unit Coordinator; Marilyn Faber, Patient Financial Services

“While past sessions made a lot of progress on non-economic issues, we are disappointed with Management’s second pass at economic proposals.” —Marilyn Faber

On May 23, our union Bargaining Team met with Management and received their second set of economic proposals.

While there were some minor improvements from their last set of proposals, we continue to be disappointed that credit for 100% of experience for service and support unit folks at or above Step 10 (which could advance us on our pay scales accordingly) would be delayed until 2026. We deserve better than that! Perhaps this would be easier to accept if they had countered our proposed ratification bonus, instead they rejected it completely, offering $0 even though the contract has been expired for months!

We want to believe that WhidbeyHealth can be a better actor than other employers at the bargaining table and give us a fair and just contract we can recommend!

Bargaining is scheduled again for June 13. If there are questions or you wish to help us take action to pressure the Employer, please speak with a Bargaining Team member, or call Union Representative Celia Ponce-Sanchez at (360) 419 4678.

“We feel the honeymoon is over after today’s bargaining session!” —Liz Latiff