Zenith America Solutions - Bargaining Update

After three long days of negotiations, our bargaining team has made significant progress toward a new contract, but there remains much work to do. Management has continued to propose increases that we believe would result in more expensive healthcare costs while still not keeping up with inflation in their wage offer.

However, we believe that Zenith is beginning to understand that we will not accept a contract that includes such proposals and have made clear to them that we need better proposals to ensure livable wages and affordable benefits for us and our families. We hope that additional progress will be made over the weekend but are prepared to increase the pressure on them if we have to.

Keep an eye out for additional updates next week, and please reach out to a member of the bargaining team or your rep if you have any questions.

“We’ve made progress, but management needs to realize that when the economy changes, the contract needs to also.”

— Our Bargaining Team: Mitch Longoria, Terra Powell, and Laura Bomengen