UFCW 3000

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelly Clark

Shelly Clark has worked for Safeway for almost 8 years and in that time has become a leader at the Cheney store (just Southwest of Spokane). Her fellow coworkers consider her the "Store Mom," and she happily takes that title. She keeps track of her coworker's birthdays to wish them a happy birthday, and keeps morale up with her positive energy and sense of humor. She has worked in several different positions for Safeway, including cashiering, file maintenance, night stocking, and is currently the head bookkeeper.

Shelly’s designation as “Store Mom” includes being a shop steward at her store, and during the recent Eastside Grocery Contract Campaign shop stewards like her played a major role in securing a contract with historic wins. She and many of her coworkers would say this was the biggest contract fight they have ever been through. Shelly was on the bargaining team for the contract campaign and fought hard to win the best contract grocery workers have ever seen in Eastern Washington.

Shelly worked to organize her coworkers to join the fight, getting them to sign and distribute strike pledge cards, sign up to become picket captains if there was a strike, and keeping them informed about the issues at the bargaining table. When the fight was over and it was time to vote, she was committed to getting the biggest vote turnout ever from her store. And she did just that!

As a union we collectively bargain, but every store, shop steward and member is important. Shelly made sure the voices of Cheney Safeway workers were heard loud and clear. Shelly, your coworkers thank you for all your hard work, and appreciate you every day!