UFCW 21 Grocery Store Workers Taking Our Fight for Hazard Pay to Local Governments
/While grocery store workers in our area first saw hazard pay in late March, large grocery employers had cut hazard pay completely by midsummer. We have been pushing back in various ways ever since, pushing petitions, filing grievances, holding actions outside of stores, hosting press conferences, speaking out on social media, and helping thousands of customers contact our employers’ CEOs directly to express outrage at this disrespect for frontline workers.
While our actions were able to extend hazard pay at first and push employers to pay bonuses, and we are currently bargaining with Kroger, Albertsons/Safeway, PCC and others over COVID impacts in our workplaces. It’s time to move forward on additional actions.
UFCW locals have been coordinating to push local ordinances on hazard pay around the country, including right here. At the most recent Burien city council meeting, grocery store workers with UFCW 21 gave public comment calling for the passage of a city ordinance mandating hazard pay for grocery store workers who have kept communities fed during a crisis while corporate employers raked in unprecedented pandemic profits.
UFCW 21 Members Testify at Burien City Council on the need for hazard pay
UFCW 21 intends to introduce ordinances on hazard pay in Seattle and Burien next week. We know our customers and our communities are behind us. We know our employers’ profits are soaring, yet we’re taking on all the risks that make that profit possible. We know it’s possible to pass policies like this: Seattle has already passed one hazard pay ordinance, after food delivery workers organized to win per-order hazard pay premiums plus sick days. Los Angeles County passed a “hero pay” ordinance for grocery and drugstore workers just last week, and other city councils are currently discussing hazard pay for frontline workers.
SPEAK UP: Why is hazard pay important to you and your coworkers? Share a quick video or written message!
TESTIFY: These days, speaking before city council can be done from your own home, car, or break room because meetings are held online. Live or work in Seattle or Burien? Sign up for more information, and we’ll connect with you when there’s a city council hearing you could speak at!
START SOMETHING: Do you want to bring up a hazard pay ordinance in your city or county? Sign up and a UFCW 21 organizer will connect with you for a training on how to move an ordinance through your city!