Our Bargaining Team meets to discuss bargaining priorities!
/Our Bargaining Team met yesterday in person to discuss the path forward for a strong, successful, and united grocery store negotiation and further develop our initial bargaining proposals. In the room was a diverse group of members from different job classes, work locations, employers, and backgrounds. Our team is hands on and experienced, they understand the importance and gravity of the issues we all face and how we are stronger when we work together.
Our union Bargaining Team continued to focus on the priorities identified by thousands of members in the bargaining survey while they worked on our initial bargaining proposals. At the top of our discussions were wage increases―especially for those at the top of the scale, safety, staffing and scheduling, and how we can lift essential grocery store workers up through our contract negotiations. Top priorities include:
Win higher wages, especially at the top of our pay scales
Create more equity in pay between departments
Protect our high-quality, low-cost health care plan
Keep our pension funded and secure
Improve store safety and training
Improve recruitment and retention so we have the proper staff to help us get the work done
In 2019, successful contract negotiations resulted in the largest wage increases in our union’s history, improved safety language, stronger scheduling language, new workforce development and training language, maintained our health care benefits with no increase in costs, and perhaps the biggest win of all: secured and improved our retirement pension.
Thank you everyone for participating in an amazing bargaining kick-off!
Workplace leaders and Union Reps visited over 250 of our union stores, handing out buttons and taking pictures with members. What happens in negotiations is important. If we want the Employers to Respect, Protect, and Pay us then we must be united and organized to win. Employers have shown over the last two years how much more they prioritize their record high profits over the safety and pay of essential workers. The only way we change that is through collective action. When we fight together, we win together.
The top things all members can do right now to help build for a successful contract negotiation:
Wear your “Respect, Protect, Pay” button! Show we are united and focused to improve our workplaces and get higher pay. If you need a button, talk to one of your workplace stewards or leaders, or contact your Rep!
Join your Contract Action Team to help organize and mobilize workers to fight for better pay and a better contract. Talk to a workplace leader or your Union Rep if you are interested.
And join a Contract Action Team meeting this week >>Don’t miss important bargaining updates, actions, benefits, and more. Make sure your personal contact information is up to date with our union:
ufcw21.org/update-your-informationJoin our private Facebook group UFCW 21 Grocery Store Workers 2022 tinyurl.com/2022grocerygroup
Our Union Bargaining Team:
Ames Reinhold, Metropolitan Market
Amy Dayley Angell, QFC
Aaron Streepy, Attorney
Budha Green, Safeway
Cliff Powers, Safeway
Cynthia Hill, Safeway
Caprii Nakihei, Safeway
Cosmo Villini, Safeway
Enrique Romero, Fred Meyer
Faye Guenther, UFCW 21 President
Heidi Odom, Fred Meyer
Jeannette Randall, Safeway
Jeff Alexander, Fred Meyer
Jeff Smith, Fred Meyer
J’Nee DeLancey, Town & Country
Joanna Clapham, Fred Meyer
Joe Mizrahi, UFCW 21 Secretary Treasurer
Kyong Barry, Albertsons
Maggie Breshears, Fred Meyer
Maroot Nanakul, Safeway
Naomi Oligario, Safeway
Richard Waits, Haggen
Roger Yanez, QFC
Sam Dancy, QFC
Sam Kantak, Teamsters 38 Secretary Treasurer
Shawn Hayenga, Metropolitan Market
Tammi Brady, Teamsters 38 President
Wil Peterson, Fred Meyer