PCC Tentative Agreement Reached

2021 0614 - PCC Contract Vote Notice - web.jpg

Fully Recommended Tentative Agreement Reached!

There will not be a vote on Tuesday, June 15 it has been rescheduled to a recommended yes vote on June 23

As a result of all of your hard work, solidarity, and preparation for a potential strike, PCC is now offering a contract that will remove their takeaway proposals and put money into the wage scales. The result is higher increases than we have ever won from PCC!

In addition, we were able to win new language on safety, worker committees, and training with NO TAKEAWAYS! Over the weekend, we reached a fully recommended TA that includes:

  • $1.80 to $1.90 for Journey increases over 3 years

  • Money at the bottom of the scales to address increasing minimum wages

  • Adding Meat Lead premium of $2 per hour and moving Deli Lead from Group B to Group A increasing premium by $1 per hour.

  • New Worker Caucus Committees to meet and address issues like gender and racial equity at the store level

  • New Safety language that will help improve workplace safety

  • New Workforce Development language to address training needs

  • Securing and improving our pension benefits

  • Improve and streamlined grievance language

  • No Takeaways!

View the full vote document at bit.ly/june23pccvotedocument

We will be voting via secure email ballot on Wednesday, June 23 from 12AM to 11:59PM. If you do not receive an email from UFCW 21 or “Simply Vote,” on June 23, with your unique log in credentials, first check your spam folder. All active members in good standing are eligible to vote. If you have still not received any emails from the union, please update your information at ufcw21.org/update-your-information or contact your union rep.

Vote Meetings Scheduled!

June 16 @ 10-11am

June 16 @ 7-8pm

June 23 @ 10-11am

June 23 @ 7-8pm