MultiCare Mary Bridge RN & Diabetes Educator RN - Bargaining Update

On Tuesday, October 1, your MultiCare Mary Bridge Registered Nurses and Diabetes Educator Nurses met management at the bargaining table to continue negotiations on our Collective Bargaining Agreement and to introduce the Diabetes Educators into our union. This is our third bargaining date with MultiCare since we began discussions in late August, and the progress we've made in such a short time is worth noting. Additionally, this session also marks the first time we’ve received responses from the Employer regarding the transition of the Diabetes Educator RNs into our union. While there’s still work to be done here, MultiCare appears aligned with our goal of accelerating their integration into our unit.

The most significant development from today’s session was that MultiCare officially presented their initial wage scale proposal. Unfortunately, this is where our enthusiasm begins to wane. The Employer’s offer includes a 4% increase to our 2024 wages. While this is a somewhat larger increase than is typical for an initial proposal, it still falls short of bringing Mary Bridge nurses’ wages into alignment with the competitive rates offered at neighboring MultiCare hospitals, such as Tacoma General and Good Samaritan.

For comparison:
  • A 4% increase puts the base wage of our scale around $41.34, whereas TG and Good Samaritan’s base wage rates are both $42.64.

Another significant concern for our Mary Bridge nurses is the Employer's proposed 2% increase for both 2025 and 2026. When we compare this to the agreements ratified at Tacoma General and Good Samaritan, both of which included a 4% increase in the second and third years of their contracts, it becomes clear that the wage disparity won't just persist into the first year of our next contract—it will compound in 2025 and 2026, putting us further and further behind. This growing gap is a serious issue that we cannot overlook.

While our goal is to finalize our contract promptly, it is not at the expense of securing competitive wages for all of our colleagues. That’s why we believe it is essential to begin meeting with our fellow union members at Mary Bridge to discuss how we can unite and take action to ensure that MultiCare pays us what we truly deserve. Standing together in solidarity is key to achieving a strong contract.

“We were very transparent with management about what we’re asking for, and they should know why this is so important to all of us. We’re dedicated to making sure that each union member’s voice is heard, and now it’s time for MultiCare to hear us!”
—Nicole Geffrey, MedSurg RN @ Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital

Join your bargaining team on the morning of our next session with management to build solidarity and take action!

Tuesday, October 15 @ 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM
RSVP Here >>

Your Bargaining Team L-R:
Jodi McWhirter, PICU/Transport RN; Nicole Geffrey, MedSurg RN; Demi Trotter, Emergency Room RN; Melissa Stoliker, Diabetes Educator RN.