Northwest Administrators - Bargaining Update - We Delivered our Petition!

Our Bargaining Team had two full days of negotiations with the Employer on Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4. In response to management’s slow walking on wages so far, we delivered our petition for a fair contract, which was signed by nearly 85% of NWA bargaining unit members! This is a strong signal to management that NWA workers are willing to take collective action to win the wages and benefits we deserve.

While we have continued to make reasonable progress on non-economic issues, including frank discussions about remote and hybrid work assignments, management refused to move on their initial 1.25% wage proposal. When we expressed our surprise, we were shocked to hear that management felt they could have come in even lower than this!
We will be holding further Contract Action Team meetings where we will be discussing progress made and preparing for next steps in winning a strong contract.

One will be virtual on October 17 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (check your email or ask a BT member for details!)

The second meeting will be in-person on October 23 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at:
The Seattle Labor Temple
5030 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134

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Our Bargaining Team: Chad Gronsky, Distribution; Sierra Cunningham, Payroll Audit; Grace Tsuchikawa, Health and Welfare; Karolin Lund, Accounting and Eligibility; Lulu Morgan, Pension; Iva Johnson, Contract Review (not pictured)