PRMCE - Update for Inpatient Rehab:

On July 11, 2024, we met with Providence Everett (PRMCE) management and continued to negotiate over the closure of the inpatient rehab at the Pacific Campus.

There are ongoing discussions to gain clarity from Providence on the transfer of caregivers and the benefits that will be moving with the caregivers that choose to go to Lifepoint.

We recommend that each caregiver make their own decision regarding the job offer from Lifepoint based on their personal circumstances. If you do not accept a position at Lifepoint now, we are unsure if a position will be available for you in the future. Nonetheless, all Pro, Technical, and RN bargaining unit members have the option to take a vacant position at the Colby Campus using the bumping language in their contracts.

Moreover, we presented a counter proposal that maintained PTO/EIB cashout and other benefits for all laid-off employees.

We have an additional bargaining date set for July 17, 2024. On July 18 we would like to invite you to join a Zoom meeting to give an update and answer any questions you may have. As this closure and layoff has the potential to impact caregivers at both the Pacific and Colby campuses, all workers from both inpatient rehab and acute care are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Jack Crow (Pro and Tech Union Rep) or Anthony Cantu (RN Union Rep).