Grocery East wage increase update

Our union won historic wage increases for our region through months of fighting for our contract through negotiations. We deserve to get these raises in a timely manner after winning these wage increases. Our union met with Albertsons/Safeway to discuss the implementation of All Purpose Clerk raises and retro pay.

Here’s what we know:  

  • The Employer’s payroll is working on getting raises and retro pay to our members soon  

  • While there isn’t a firm date, everyone should receive retro pay from January 21st to the implementation of the increases  

If you are red-circled and believe you have not received the correct amount, please contact your union rep: Mark Hansen 509-340-7406, EJ Mendez 509-340-7394, Morgan McKitrick 509-340-7410, or Kim Bristlin 509-340-7413.