Summit Pacific Medical Center - Bargaining Update

Our Union Bargaining team met with management and gave them a powerful message that we all need to feel valued at work. Strong equity language has been proposed for the contract. Management needs to understand that we are important to the success of the organization. Everyone needs to feel physically and emotionally safe at work. We made proposals that allow workers to bring concerns to management without fear of retaliation. We have heard that often one-on-one meetings with management feel unfair, so we are making proposals towards a more collaborative process.

The cost of living has gone up significantly, and Summit needs to keep up with other local hospitals. We have assessed the competition and are getting ready to give economic proposals to management during upcoming bargaining sessions.

Our next bargaining session is Friday, July 12.

For more information, contact a member of our Bargaining Team:
  • Monica Ortiz, RN ACU
  • Allison Felder, RN ED
  • Kim Starkweather, Patient Coordinator
  • Barb Ford, ED Tech
  • Judea Prouty, Medical Assistant, McCleary Clinic
  • Kurt E. Phillips, Lead Building Engineer